

5 Essential Stages in Project Management by Engineering Consultants


The project management process in engineering consultancies differs slightly from project management in other sectors like say, IT. Engineering consultants in UAE are involved in the project long before the implementation begins. Right from inspecting the proposed site to make sure the project is feasible, to setting project goals, to analyzing risk, engineering consultants play a critical role in project management.


What is Project Management?

Project management is nothing but managing a project efficiently to ensure that various teams involved work in tandem to meet the objectives in time and on budget. It involves dividing the project into numerous tasks and subtasks, allocating necessary resources, assigning responsibilities and fostering communication and collaboration. A Project management company factors in the risks and potential issues that could be encountered in the course of the project, and formulates strategies to handle them.

Role of Engineering Consultants in Project Management


Engineering consultants ensure that your project is executed efficiently, with quality, within budget, and on time. Engineering consultants are skilled in resolving problems that are likely to crop up during projects, communicating with all stakeholders and authorities to ensure smooth progress of a project. Our team plays a critical role in construction projects all over the UAE. We deliver tailored project management services for different projects taking into consideration the unique factors associated with each. Engineering consultants offer superior solutions for the constructions of skyscrapers, villas, business complexes, and so on. While innovation is at the core of their solutions, they strive to maintain the cultural heritage of the region.


Essential Stages in Project Management by Engineering Consultants

There are five major project management stages for engineering consultants in Dubai. Let’s see what they are:


1. Project Initiation

This is a very critical first stage for a project management consultant. They have to define the main objective and assign goals for the project. They have to do a lot of background checking and use their investigative skills and common sense, as they have to transform an abstract idea into a physical reality, and define the project and the scope in a broad sense.

2. Project Planning

This stage is when the scope is defined properly, and the procedures, resources, time, and skills required for the project to be executed are laid out. The inputs for the proposal are submitted and approvals taken, delivering an output suitable for the requirements and schedule of the project. At this stage, the cost of the project is worked out, and timelines are determined for completion of various phases of the project and its associated tasks. Quality and availability of resources is checked, and any shortcomings are addressed. A schedule is created for the project, with a balanced process cycle to achieve the project objectives along with the baseline schedule. This is a time frame defined for the estimated project completion schedule. Engineering consultants in Abu Dhabi consider this a critical phase as it takes up a major chunk of the project management process. Setting up goals for instance is extremely crucial; the goals must be realistic and attainable, at the same time, should not be rigid. While the consultants plan carefully to avoid bottlenecks and delays, unforeseen circumstances tend to arise suddenly, and they have to be prepared for that too.

3. Project Execution

After meticulous planning, it is time to implement the project, turning vision into reality. If the initiation and planning have been proper, the execution becomes fairly simple. This stage basically consists of following instructions, and do the activities as planned. Various teams are informed about the tasks they need to do, their schedule, what they have to accomplish, the resources available to them for the purpose and so on, by the project manager clearly. Engineering consultants involved in project management communicates with all the teams working on the project to allay their apprehensions and foster collaboration. While this phase is simple, it has to be executed painstakingly – even one minor error can lead to the entire project failing. Ergo, it is essential that there is tight coordination and continuous updates here.

4. Project Monitoring and Control

In spite of all the research and planning project managers do, there could always be some unpredicted risk popping up suddenly. This makes project monitoring an essential task. By keeping a close watch on the progress of the project, quick action can be taken in the event of any issues. Defining project objectives and relating them to the application, setting the schedule of the target, reporting on the progress and delays if any, and identification of potential problems, all happen in this stage. Monitoring significantly contributes to completing projects in time and within budget.

5. Project Closure and Evaluation

This is the final stage, where the project is concluded, and all the final reports and documents related to the project are handed over to the client. A review is conducted after project implementation as well, and a full team meeting is held by the project manager where the achievements, successes, failures, problems, and solutions of the project are discussed and evaluated. This helps all the teams to improve their skills, whether architects, engineers, technicians, or anyone else.


What Strategies Do Engineering Consultants Employ for Successful Project Execution?


Engineering consultants Sharjah make use of several strategies to make sure that projects are e

Executed successfully.

  • Motivating Teams

This is especially important when projects are large and long; employees are likely to get demoralized, feeling the end is still far away, or due to customers who keep interfering and complaining or any other reason. Engineering consultants are adept at motivating their teams, enabling them to deliver quality work throughout the lifecycle of the project.

  • Communication and Expectation Management

Project managers use their superior communication skills to foster greater collaboration and cooperation between different teams and to convey the necessary messages to external stakeholders. Good communication skills also help project managers to manage expectations by setting the right tone for the team, answering all queries from the team, and work with the team to achieve the goals. They also manage stakeholder expectations with the right communication, collaborating regularly with clients, updating them with the progress and displaying the value delivered by the team. Good project managers establish clear boundaries, ensuring that the stakeholders don’t become too intrusive.

  • Leadership and Team Management

The project manager has to lead the project every step of the way; not only does he have to define the goals, he also has to make sure that the team achieves them. What style of leadership they must employ depends on the importance and urgency of the project, as well as the team makeup. Being too authoritarian can deflate them and give them stress, impacting their quality. Being too lenient may cause the team to slack off and not take instructions seriously. Again, the project manager may have to take different approaches for different members of the team, as each individual is different, and may react differently to pressure, stress, etc. Good project managers engage with each team member to find out their needs, abilities, and fears, and lead accordingly.

  • Conflict and Problem Resolution

Conflicts can arise between team members, or team members and clients; problems may crop up any time. Experienced project managers utilize their conflict and problem resolution skills to smooth over such situations, so that the progress or quality of the project is not impeded in any way. They use their critical thinking skills to anticipate problems and do their best to make sure that they don’t blow up.


Are you looking for engineering consultants and project management services for your next project? DSI has the most experienced and qualified engineering consultants in the UAE. Contact DSI now to know more! 



  • What is project management?

Project management can be defined as the usage of procedures, knowledge, skills, experience, and methodologies for attaining certain objectives of a project. 

  • What are the main 5 stages of project management?

The five stages of project management are Initiation, Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, and Closure.

  • How do engineering consultants manage risks during project execution?

Engineering consultants anticipate issues and have backup plans ready; when unforeseen problems arise, they use their critical thinking, conflict resolution, leadership, and problem-solving skills to resolve issues and mitigate risk.

  • What are the essential elements of  project management?

Managing the scope, risk, resources, communication, time, cost, quality, and integration, are the essential elements of project management.

